This faq was written several years ago and underwent many style-changes over the years, but the content was relatively unchanged. Now (1/26/01) it is finally being retired in favor of a new FAQ. The content of this faq is here mainly for archival purposes and out of respect for the work the contributors put into it, however many of the replies are outdated. Thank you to all the contributors!
Keep in mind that there is no one right answer to many of the questions presented in this FAQ, which is why multiple opinions are expressed for each answer. Being an Otherkin (or Fairth, Metahuman, or perhaps Furry (I don't know much about Furries)) is a range of experiences, not only one type of experience, and every person's experiences differ. Also, many finer points are still being discussed by the Otherkin community, such as the point on whether or not Aliens are Otherkin.{CRISS}
I think this would include anyone that has non-human memories of past lives, or human memories on worlds other than earth. It is more a way of being than a classification so it is hard to explain. {Adara}
(Shameless Plug) An intermediate solution is to show up at one of the Otherkin Gatherings (like *mine*, for example... March 17-19, 2000; $40 Canadian for the weekend.) {Polydorases}
Otherkin have a way of seeking out comfortable spaces. Thus, they are drawn to Fantasy & sci-fi books for escapism, they are drawn to Role Playing Games (RPGs) and Live Action RPGs (or LARPs), re-creation groups (SCA, etc.), Medieval & Renaissance Festivals, etc. I suggest that anyone going to an event or to a bookstore in search of Otherkin use caution before approaching people on the subject...get to know the people before "coming out" to them (see below)... Also check the Otherkin Gathering listings at the Otherkin Announcement Newsletter page.{CRISS}
A question that must be asked is: "Do you really want to find others?" From a personal observation, there are possibly thousands of people that can truly be called 'Otherkin,' and tens of thousands of people that could be call 'Otherkin want-a-bees.' I have seen the newly awakened slapped down very hard by people professing to be Otherkin yet with no understanding of what the newly awakened was going through, since they never went throught it themselves. As you communicate with others, please be aware of this possibility.
However, if you desire to find others, begin by joining an Otherkin chat group. Listen for a while, learn where the group is coming from and then enter into the conversation. Take it slow. There is no rush. You can learn a lot by listening. {Starelf}
Everywhere. Like the bumper-sticker..."We are everywhere"
I see them all over with the Reiki True Form symbol.
Doing energy work, being more magikal yourself, being more of your otherkin
self, the more you will attract others.
The hard part is actually finding awakened Otherkin.
Look in you local pagan groups, pagan/metaphysical stores, renaissance
festivals,etc ...some may be hiding in these places..though approach
carefully they may not be otherkin or even friendly to you or the concept
(use caution with friends/family/co-workers too, they may act other than
Search the Web. Type in the word "otherkin", or the name of whatever race
you are looking for.
Email lists., and have a few. {Eyovah}
[in regards to Adara's entry:] I think that all styles of music are reflected in our musical tastes. For example, unlike others whose opinions are expressed here, I prefer classical, New Age, rock, folk, celtic, and pieces from a wide variety of musical styles; but I really dislike a lot of heavy metal, especially what I call "death metal" that stuff that disconnects one from the Source. Gothic music (with some exceptions) I find too depressing to take in large doses and I only like a very small sampling of alternative music. I think the important thing is that music is important to all of us, while individual tastes and preferences vary. {K'Llayna}
The Past life...reincarnation/karma response: All incarnations usually serve
some purpose. Usually it is to learn something. Each lifetime we come back
to learn and improve on ourselves, otherwise we keep coming back till we
get it right. We may have learned all our lessons as otherkin and now here
to get the other ones, or maybe we couldn't learn it there so came here,
Other possibilities... had to leave otherkin form/places for some
reason...evacuation/escape/exile, just visiting, learning expedition (for
self or to bring back knowledge), to help this planet, and many more
reasons.... {Eyovah}
Why not? This answer isn't intended to be flippant, but rather to put the
shoe on the other foot. Why are the humans here? Why is anyone
here? Some of the most serious answers I can give to this question are:
because I can be; because it's better than being nowhere; because Earth is
We are here to experience, to enjoy, to learn and to grow, just like
everyone else. {Ghostshadow}
However, there is nothing wrong with being a host, so long as you realize that some of the internal arguments can get a *wee* bit heated. {Polydorases}
Actually, I think that is one of the most telling differences between the many-incarnated and the Host...the many-incarnated may be able to shift perception between those of their different lives {we now call this an ability to "Facet" - v2.2}, and maybe even to view a problem from the point of view of several lives at a time, but probably wont argue with hims'/hers'elf {or even hold philosophical discussions, etc}. An Otherkin Host usually has much more refereeing going on, active disagreement or arguing...but more on that later...{CRISS}
Not always, most otherkin I know of remember more than one lifetime, for reincarnation is important for most of us. In some races bonds and relations last more than one lifetime. {Adara}
Possibly not. Every being can have multiple incarnations, many past lives. "Hosts" are generally people who can have multiple beings inhabiting/visiting and can shift active role to any being inside (like multiple personalities) {Eyovah}
"These are beings who take over the bodies of those who have lost the will to live, or who have had a near-death experience. This only occurs if the departing soul agrees to the switch. There are several categories of Walk-ins, however, it is not my place to speak of them until my information is concrete." {Starfae}
The simplest way to define walk-in would be someone who does not die on their homeworld and travels straight to earth, and into a new body without being reborn. Many walk-ins occur shortly after birth, some occur much later. Usually walk-in cases are triggered by near-death experiences, extreme emotions (usually negative), high stress situations, {the departure of} souls that lose the will to live. It is always with permission and agreement on both souls, for I have never heard of any other cases yet. I am sure that the classic switches can occur as well, yet I have yet to hear of such a tale. There are also walk-in cases where the souls that walk-in merge with the origanal human souls. Sometimes they agree, sometimes they fight, like in marriage. Not always are the memories of the departing soul imprinted hard enough for the walk-in sprit to have access to them. (I didn't :( ) They can account for some of those miracle recoveries. Many of those that walk-in may have different behaviors, customs and a different personalty after the "Switch" occurs. I know that for my own case I was told by trusted family members that I acted very perculiar for a while, like looking at places and people as if I had never seen them before, gaining new skills without learning them, losing skills that I knew, acting way older than my age. (The body was four and a half at the time :) )
For some the walk-in will have lots of trauma attached to it, for they will feel completly alian to this world, and all alone:(. Lots of nightmares occur, and that can leave the person depressed and homesick for a long time. Understanding, friends and family as well as the community can help out greatly in that aspect, but usually no one is usually willing to do that. In my opinion the walk-ins have some of the hardest time with coping and adapting and being happy on this world, and it does not matter what kind of the two types of walk-in one is, it is hard for the walk-in and the human soul, as well as for the family of both souls involved. {Adara}
Some people who would like to consider themselves hosts do not have such an easy and happy balance. There is a great deal of contention, anger, resentment, abuse, etc. going on in the host body. At the point where one or more spirits in the body are abusing it, or abusing the others inside the body, or causing situations for others in the body with beings or authorities outside the body which they are not willing to take responsibility for themselves, or which purposefully get the group as a whole into trouble, the situation can't possibly be one of harmonious balance and mutual respect. I believe that's where the hosting situation becomes a problem, and it is possible that the "guest" spirits may need to be evicted.
There are walk-in situations where the host-spirit is no longer present, who are sometimes more like squatters in an abandoned building. What the walk-in(s) do with the abaondoned hostbody would define whether it's an abusive situation or not. If the "squatters" are repairing the holes in the walls, painting, etc. ie: taking care of the body when it's sick, not adding to the illnesses, etc. then the situation is a healthy one, where if the host spirit were to happen to return, they'd find their home/body well cared for. {CRISS}
No... Otherkin inside a host communicate freely; there is nothing one spirit does that all the other spirits are not aware of. In most cases of what was once called Multiple Personality Disorder, the personalities are usually unaware of what the others do. {Polydorases}
{revised answer for v2.2} On the Otherkin Hosts list, we've been discussing the difference between Hosts, Multiples (my term for "splits" who don't steal or "split" time or mind space), Splits (my term for people who are dividing up and hoarding brainspace/time, etc) and Faceted people. Well, it all seems to boil down to differences which are technical at the least, but the ways of coping with the world are not much different. To not be another Sybil, you just have to cope better than Sybil did, which means being in control (no matter who it is) of your actions, and being accountable and responsible for your actions.
Any of these types of person can qualify as Otherkin, as long as one or more of the persons inside them qualify as Otherkin. The rest of the terms apply to the fundamental reason for the person being how they are, and to how well they work together, their structure etc. And it seems that most Otherkin Multiples (Hosts, Splits, Facets or otherwise) may actually fit more than one category, so perhaps it's more like a continuum.
So, then it all becomes a question of coping with whatever you are. If you're all working together, not fighting or arguing too often (or coming up with resolutions when there's a conflict), paying the bills, dotting your I's and crossing your T's and all that rot, it really doesn't matter. You need to be happy, and healthy, as what you are, you don't need to fit the model of the perfect sane citizen. There are resources for coping with how you are, and you may not need to change what you are in order to cope.{CRISS}
My personal view is one of Subjective Reality. I may not believe what everyone around me believes, but I believe that THEY believe it, and act accordingly. It is an issue of respect. I do not try to force them to change their point of view to suit mine, although that does not stop me from discussions and comparing and weighing and measuring....Thus, I'm not saying that anyone should believe that Otherkin truly are of spirits other than Human, but that there is a subset of people on this world who BELIEVE they are transspirited, and I ask that everyone respect our beliefs. {CRISS}
We are under no obligation to prove anything to anyone. At the same time, others are under no obligation to 'believe' us. The best we can hope for is mutual tolerance. We can share our ideas and this is good, but to try to 'prove' our 'Otherkinship,' to someone that does not or will not understand is like trying to prove what an orange tastes like to someone that has never tasted an orange. All of the facts and figures about oranges will never convince them of the actual taste. All the facts and figures about Otherkin will not convince someone, if they don't want to understand. {Starelf}
I do not think anyone should force their belifs down someone elses throat, so i would not expect folks to believe us. That is not neccessary in my eyes, only that they respect that yes, I do have different beliefs, yet also that I deserve to be happy just as anyone else. Just that folks understand and let me live by the believes I wish to live by, without constantly having to hide those. It is more a quest of understanding than one of trying to get others to believe us. {Adara}
It does not matter to me whether you believe or do not believe me. I will still be who I am. But we offer the knowledge and let you decide. The biggest thing is to be open to the possibility and not be closed minded. When I teach someone a new topic, I come from a perspective of what they know and accept and build from there. With this written material, that can't be done. So take the information and ask questions. Personally, I like to show people...then they can't deny what their senses tell them. Here, you only have our word for it. {Eyovah}
It's possible for a person to know instinctively what they are without having any memory or concrete logical reason to back it up. It's not mandatory to remember anything from your past lives to be who you are in the now. My advice would be to seek for understanding for why you feel you are what you are, but not to try to force yourself to remember anything, or try too hard coming up with reasons why you are what you are. Relax, perhaps meditate, pray, read the tarot, go on a vision quest, or do whatever you do when you seek answers to your questions. As you are ready, the answers will surface. {Sileniel}
It is possible, but probably not making it up.
A good way to verify is to have other people look at your form, your aura,
energy, etc... and see if they see something. If multiple people, who you
haven't told what to look for, see your form..that may help. It helps if
the people are otherkin aware though so it is at least in their possibility
of reality.
You may want to find ways to go within: mediation, past life regression,
hypnosis,energetic healing, etc...
Or even look at the awakening web page: (Editor: link now broken) {Eyovah}
The best place to start is your best friends, the ones who won't care if you're a little bit eccentric (or a lot eccentric, for that matter.) {Polydorases}
Before you come out to others, please come out to yourself. Realize how special you are. Understand that after you awakened, you will seem different, possibly thinking and believing differently than you did before. Get a handle on these new feelings. Get as comfortable, as possible, with them. When you are happy with who you are, then you might share with a close friend. There will be some you will feel you can talk to and many you will not. You choose the time and place and person that will learn of your new life. {Starelf}
I do not usually feel the need to tell people, because I am actually quite comfortable here. In my opinion, my selves have come here to meet others of similar kind, and perhaps to learn the ways of this world. Though they all argue that there is a different reason for each of them. Which is probably true. :) {Kiery}
Definitely not to everyone, chose those that you tell carefully for the results of careless decisions in that matter are lousy at best :( . {Adara}
Whoever you want to. You may want to be careful though. Friends/family,co-workers, etc.. may act differently than you expect, maybe even hostile. My general rule of thumb is find out if they can handle it. Feel them out first, maybe explain in terms that they can understand. Another rule of thumb for myself...will knowing/not knowing affect them? Someone I am in very close relations with may need to know for I don't want to hide parts of myself or have to lie. What would happen if someone who did know told your person, or if you talked in your sleep, or otherwise comes out later? {Eyovah}
The easiest is to do nothing. Ignoring ridicule usually makes it go away.
But that does not always work.
Simple denial works too.
Education and knowledge is sometimes an option, maybe even help awaken them:)
Or shifting the attention, change topic. (politics trick...point out something of theirs [which is] controversial)
The second question to ask yourself, is does it matter what they say, why
let their opinion affect you?
If it gets to harassment,..thats what police (or whatever higher
authorities) are for. {Eyovah}
They don't need to believe you. Hopefully, you're secure enough that you
don't need them to believe you, either. But if someone's teasing you, even
after you've asked them to stop, then you really don't need to hang around
them. If the person is/was a friend (or claims to be one), then point out
that merciless and abusive ridicule is not something friends do to each
other. Ask them one last time to stop behaving like an enemy, and if they
don't, then you may as well break off that friendship.
Note: this is not about their refusal to believe you're otherkin;
after all, they are not obligated to believe something just because you do.
It's about their refusal to treat you with courtesy and respect, something
that everyone deserves from other people -- and especially from those who
claim to be friends.
If the person is a co-worker, treat it as a breach of office
professionalism. Teasing and harassment on the job are a distraction from
doing actual work, and so most employers frown on it. The next time your
obnoxious co-worker stops by your cubicle or desk to make fun of you, try
saying something like "I'm sorry, I have work to do; don't you have
anything productive on your schedule, too?" Especially consider saying it
loudly enough for a supervisor to hear.
If subtle hints like that don't work, you may have to talk to the person's
supervisor. Say that employee X is annoying, teasing and harassing you, and
making it difficult for you to get your work done. There will probably be
questions about what sort of teasing is going on, and it's easiest to just
tell people what the substance of it is -- but you don't have to admit
that you believe what the harasser knows/thinks you believe. You can
simply say "Person X heard somewhere that I believe I'm an elf, and s/he
actually believes that! S/he thinks I think I'm an elf, and just
won't let it go."
Above all, don't feel or act like you have anything to hide in this matter.
You don't; you're not the one disrupting the office environment. So you
have nothing to hide when describing what Mr. or Ms. Offensive Boor is doing. {Ghostshadow}
Aside from Otherkin who are disincarnate, as Adara is mentioning, I'd like to mention two other things: 1) the person who is born Otherkin in body, mind and spirit, sometimes even with an Otherkin environment. They run around using magicks of Seeming (ie: Seeming human, for instance), and are sometimes fully aware that they're something other than human in nature. This category can include people of mixed blood who suddenly show their distant heritage, but were raised human. 2) we only know what we've come across, and there is bound to be something out there that we neither anticipated nor have encountered previously, yet still fits in the category of Otherkin. Even if you don't fit anything or everything we've said 100% you might very well still be Otherkin. {CRISS}
Yes. Infinite types. We know of some popular types. But there is always the possibility of unknown types. I've come across some that my reality filter can't even put a name to. {Eyovah}
Yes..definatly yes:). I know i have three of them personally. I would not know how they would be classified, yet they do exist. One of my cats i am very close to and I know he is from my homeworld. He acts too much like a person not to be:). More info on this subject may be something handy to have in the future.{Adara}
Yes. Why not? And the reverse...when/if we are in the otherkin form...otherkin can have been human or other animal. It is a two way street. {Eyovah}
1.The slow awakening: someone comes to realize their Otherness over the course of weeks or months, without outside intervention.
2.The alarm clock: during a moment of great emotions (good -or- bad), someone suddenly pops into full awareness of themselves.
3.The snoozer: someone who is told outright that they are Otherkin, but (generally) refuse to believe it.
(Thanks, Crow's-Daughter!) {Polydorases}
At a certain point in some people's lives, an event triggers a reaction in the brain that leads the individual to reevaluate their lives in new and sometimes scary ways. They realize that, for some reason, they no longer feel completely human. Some may feel another consciousness developing, with new thought patterns, new belief structures and new memories.
To some, this 'awakening' to a new life is a quick and complete event. This would be a full awakening, where almost overnight, they 'know' who or what they truly are. They would say: 'I KNOW who I am.' To others, and possibly this is the majority, this awakening is the start of a long process that may take years to complete. They would say: 'I am beginning to THINK I am.'
NOTE: Many reported memories from newly awakened, speak of times of great happiness, almost a Golden Age. If your memories are different, don't think your memories are any less important. As for me, my first complete memory begins in the middle of a war. Together, our memories will help recreate our past, both the good and the bad. {Starelf}
Alarm Clocks don't have to be great emotion... I alarm clocked (sortof) with no great emotion, then snoozed back for a little while.
I thought snoozers were people that just deny the otherkin thing for a while, then it
comes back later. {Eyovah}
cons: getting memories and feelings of being something else can be QUITE disconcerting for some. For some it has involved a sense of going crazy, psychologist care, or other things you may not be ready for. Traditional shrinks might diagnose it as multiple personilty disorder or other such junk. could turn life upside down.
both: A positive and a negative...(depending on how you look at it) awakening of abilities. You may be able to do "magical" type things. Empathy (feeling others feelings), Telepathy, blending into backgrounds,...etc.... How other people react. {Eyovah}
Yes. Again can be difficult if turned off to turn back on. Better to find ways to deal with the ability constructively. {Eyovah}
There is no cookie-cutter for who will awaken: I have seen everything from ritual magicians to housewives, and all ages from puberty (they most likely exist younger, but I *WILL NOT* teach anyone under thirteen, for legal reasons) to their seventies. {Polydorases} [Editor: Eyovah and I would like to point out that people pre-pubescent and past their 70's can awaken, and have awakened...we don't age-discriminate...only Dor does that (j/k) ;) lol]
I began my Awakening at the tender age of 7, if I recall correctly. I had read the Narnia series (fantasy series by CS Lewis, written about 50+ yrs ago) and I began trying to get there, because I knew I didn't belong HERE. It took me another 9 years (Slow Awakening alternating with Snoozing) of trying to figure out what I was and where I belonged to become fully Awakened...then I befriended the first Otherkin Host...and (Alarm Clock)!! {Christina: CRISS}
From what I have been able to gather, there doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason to who might be awakened. It seems that sex, education, race or national origin doesn't matter when it comes to an awakening. In many cases, the awakening experience begins to change what was before, creating a new person, to fit the pattern of the Otherkin. {Starelf}
Anyone can, all ages, all professions. There is no set of rules for that. Usually one becomes awake when doing fantasy or creative things, if one gets into something magical, or when memories start comming out. There are also those that have always been awake and for those awakening is merely a fluctiating of stages between belief and doubt of ones true nature. {Adara}
Anybody. Any age, any profession, any's an Equal Opportunity Awakening :). It may be more likey people with people that have contact with awakened people already or come across something that may help awakening. Maybe with the ones that are open minded, into metaphysics, into magic/energetics, into role-playing, pagan, wiccan, have imagination, read, watch tv, etc.... {Eyovah}
When you are relaxed, and feeling most your Others'elf/ves, just try to figure out what about your human body is off....does your back feel odd, like you might have had wings?...are your feet out of place, do you have too many fingers, or are they too short or long? Touching your own body while in the right awareness might help...what do you expect to be there. Then, there are meditations, journeys, spirit guides, other Otherkin, memories, visualizations, etc. that can be used to help you answer the question. However, if the question does not seem pressing, it is not necessary to pursue it. {Blethedar: CRISS}
This is hard to say, and may be one of the hardest things for one newly awakened to figure out, and do not worry if years pass and you still do not know, as sometimes one may not find out anything specific. To avoid confusions, yes you can be a mix of more than one thing, yes you can be something so differnt that you may not pick up on what it is nor have a label for it. Some folks know right away, and some just can narrow it down after a while.
A good way may be to see what you identify with (IN stories, books games and such). {Adara}
I don't know, you tell me :)
Sometimes the biggest hint,..what do you like? (I've collected dragons
since I was I know why)
Maybe look in [Edited: Role Playing Game Guides] or other books...does anything strike you. {Eyovah}
I personally believe there are countless worlds and species in the Multiverse...I'd be in a position to know, actually...but that's a long story. Anyways, there are many many species out there, and many sub-races of the same species (Elves, for instance, splintered from their home world to many different planes of the Multiverse due to the destruction of their home planet. As the centuries passed, they adapted to their new worlds, thus becoming new races of the same species, and in most cases over the millennia, losing track of their origins). Then there's convergent evolution on different worlds. Oh, and did I mention alternate realities of the same world. Well, the list goes on. It is more odd that people crop up from the same plane, or even who knew each other in their past lives, or came from the same race of a given species. It is not odd if you are something that no one else mentioned, it is more odd if you are. {Warren et Prefelen: CRISS}
This is somethig that is not only possible, yet happens quite a bit is both good and is good because you are truely unique, yet in the same way you probably are a lot more lonely than the rest of us. It will be hard for you to figure out some details for you only may have yourself to rely on for information. Try to hang out with folks of similar races for comfort if you are lonely, or meet completly different ones for new friends. {Adara}
Unique is good too. There is nothing wrong with being different. And it may just be that you just haven't come across another of your kind yet. Have fun exploring who and what you are. {Eyovah}
Elves are a particular kind of Fairth, and there are many different kinds of elves from various places. A "Faery" is a term of Celtic origin to describe someone who comes from the place Irish mythology calls "Faery". The Tuatha de Dannan are also a people from Irish mythology, who were the inhabitants of Eire (Ireland) before the invasion of the Milesians. (I hope someone who is more versed in these legends sends a more detailed description of these things).
As such, there may be elves who are of Faery, but many come from other places, and do not identify themselves as Faery. By the same token, not all Otherkin /Fairth identify themselves as Faery or coming from Faery. {Sileniel}
One thing to do is to relax. There is no immediate rush to get back to where/when you came from. Even if there are pressing needs Otherwhen for you to return to, the Multiverse is a fabric, and can be stretched, bent, cut, resewn, folded, etc. You can return to Otherwhen in due time, when Fate had decreed you should go. That's the advice I wish someone had given me when I was 16 and tried to force Fate's hand to bring me back home for unfinished business.
If you are experiencing a painful Awakening because you have Gifts which are surfacing, then you have another problem. It's not a problem of being Otherkin, in this world, or being's a problem of the Gift. All of the Gifts are Curses as well, and require a sense of respect and responsibility in return. Sometimes you just have to turn your Gifts off for a while and shield yourself from them. If you have raw Empathic nerves because you are receiving EVERYONE's emotions, for instance, you need to learn control. Maybe you need someone to help you, or a safe space in which to experiment with them. There are many resources for help in these matters, and all one has to do is ask for them, which can be another learning experience on its own. {CRISS}
We are Otherkin. We can respond in many different ways. One way is to panic, run around worrying about all kinds of possible problems and basically driving ourselves and others crazy. Most of us go through a stage of this 'panic' feeling after we first awaken. The problem comes if this stage lasts too long. We can become 'lost' in the panic and delay becoming productive in our new lives.
The best thing to do is to recognize who we are; as best we can, and then begin to understand what it all means. This is the time for research, time to communicate with others of our kind, time to share. In other words, it is time to move from the possible to the reality of being an Otherkin. Do this and the 'coping' will be easier. Knowledge and understanding are the best tools to help us cope and develop. Ignorance is the chain that binds us to fear. {Starelf}
Explore it..what does it mean to you...try to find out more info if you so wish, yet try not to overdo it on the information part. Only go as fast as you are able to digest it. Keep hope no matter what happens. Remember you are what you are and be proud of it. Learn from your experiances. reflect it through your behavior, you art work, through your being. Enjoy it!. {Adara}
Don't force it. If you have no past life memories, it may be because you
have no past lives. Or it may be that you subconsciously don't want to
remember them yet, and that's usually for some good reason.
Above all, be wary of trying real hard to come up with some memories -- you
undoubtedly will, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be accurate,
especially if you're using trance techniques to try to find them. It's very
easy to "confabulate" while in trance, where "confabulation" is: "A
psychological term denoting a compensation (see compensatory) for memory
loss by the invention of fictitious details." (Reference:
This has been observed in people under hypnosis and on truth drugs: asked
to describe their memories of a thing that they don't actually have any
memories of, their subconsciouses will make stuff up, and quickly convince
the subject that they really experienced it. Rather than forcing such a
situation, let your memories, if any, come of their own accord. {Ghostshadow}
This is a hard question; this past weekend, I discovered that I had one myself which I could not yet deal with.
The most important thing to remember is that you have died many times in the past; you shall die many times in the future. One death in such a sea is a great loss, but is tolerable. {Polydorases}
Unlike most memories of another life, a Death-Trauma memory most resembles a Curse (see above). A Death-Trauma memory is when either you have remembered your own death, or something traumatic enough to rock your world. I know I handled some of mine better than others, and I have guests whose deaths may be known but not really remembered in a first person sense, or who do not know how they died. These memories are often very painful, and have been known to scare the "Fae" out of people. It is best to look for someone to comfort you, preferably someone who can sympathize. Or to write about it, and let out your grief. It might help, when the pain is subsiding, to try to think of what you might learn from the memory, how to make it a Gift. {CRISS}
This is difficult, yet you may try to talk with a good trusted friend about it or express it creatively in writing, poems etc. Also perhaps some of the suggestions may work as do for [people who suffered other types of traumas]. Try to learn from it. {Adara}
There are techniques for healing past life events (Energetic healing, TAT,
Huna, Forgiveness exercises, Past life regression). There is also coming
to grips that it is a past event and can't hurt you now (easier said than
done, I know).
Use that knowledge to understand yourself to help you now. For example, I
may have drowned in one life, now am afraid of water and know why
now,...knowing that, I can understand the fear, see it is not rational to
this life, and go swimming. {Eyovah}
The web pages of the Awakened (see those listed above) sometimes have things that can help. Mine, for instance {} will be listing this FAQ and Otherkin Resources. {CRISS}
The web:) is a good place to start, also some of the folks you meet in RL and on the net can help greatly. Some people teach others and help them with their awakening. Asking for help will usually accomplish much, for even if the person you ask does not know they will usually introduce you to someone who does. {Adara}
Okit (otherkin Information Triad) Homepage is another good one that will
have more info as we get it. Url:
I will also place more racial info on my pages as they grow. {Adara}
Editor & Contributions: CRISS (Companions Residing Inside - Symbiant Spirits) {if a specific guest answered a question, their name preceeds "CRISS"}
Contributor crazy enough to answer ALL the proposed questions: Polydorases
Kind enough to give exerpts from a book she is researching: Starfae
Additional words of elvish wisdom: Starelf
Q's & A's, and moderator of the two wonderful elists hosting this FAQ: Adara
More innovative Q's & A's: Sileniel
Contents are Copyright 1999, The Crisses. All Rights Reserved, please ask for permission to reprint.