Kinhost dot Org


Sorry for responding so late, we couldn't find time to put our thoughts into words earlier.

After reading your response we realised how nonsensical our statement about ego states was. I think we somehow forgot that plurality is a spectrum. In that sense is completely logical to say that all children are multiple since the beginning. I think we are feeling so attacked by people perceiving us as just separated parts of one personality that we have problems in accepting that not every plural experience looks like ours. Sorry about that.

I love your diagrams about plurality, they summarise all the experiences in a very clever way. We saved the video to our „watch later” playlist for when we will find some time.

After rethinking it all we're coming to the conclusion that we certainly underestimated how illogical things can exists solely because of culture. Like gender roles, which you've mentioned. It doesn't make sense to assume how people should express themselves and act based only on their genitalia, and yet we see this trend all around the world (which I really have problems to comprehend). So it totally makes sense that children will model themselves as singular to some degree just because they see it in their parents. But I think that cultural opression leads more to masking rather than to merging (although I'm not sure if it wasn't what you were trying to say all along), similar to how forcing trans kids to be gender that they're not teaches them to act like this gender, but doesn't change who they are. Fusions usually don't happen without a good level of communication and willingness to fuse, so if the child is punished for talking to „imaginary” friends and they decide to stop talking to them because „it's not normal”, I belive that achieving merge will be less likely. But possibility that the majority of population is in some way plural, but everybody is masking it, is somehow fascinating. Thank you for allowing me to see this from different than my still-kinda-singular-centric perspective.

The idea of there being cultures where plurality is quite common was so unimaginable for us that we didn't even bother to check it. We will be really grateful if you could give us any examples of such cultures. We would love to do some reasearch on that.

And we also forgot to say thank you. Thank you for all the hard work you do to educate and help people who won't even stop for a moment to think about how fortunate they are to be able to access all of these resources. I can only imagine how many hours you've put into that project. Your articles have helped us a lot, the way you defend endogenics really warms our heart and the way you stand up against proffesionals for plural rights inspires us to fight for plural recognition in our country. You really make a difference.

Comment by on May 02, 2023