Kinhost dot Org
Main encouraging internal community

Welcome to this huge site. Scroll down for links to suggested starting points!

If you're in crisis and need support (mostly in the US), please click for a list of resources.

Turn your collective life around with minimal help

The mission is "encouraging internal community".

Discover progressive ideas on improving internal relationships for plural systems (aka dissociative identity "disorder", multiple personality "disorder", Partial-DID, OSDD/DDNOS, and more…), trauma & abuse survivors, and people living with C-PTSD and PTSD. To get started with self-help & selves-help resources see Self-Help Indexes (in progress) New

This website is a group collaboration by & for plurals & multiples, and their supporters, friends & family. While most content nowadays is by The Crisses, has always been a community wiki project and accepts comments, submissions, contributions and collaborations, whether anonymous or attributed. Trusted folk can request password access to the site, or a SubSite of their own on the site New.

Need help getting along? Where to start??

This is the best stuff for absolute beginners:


February 3, 2025. New domain name ( Will begin nudging traffic to new server. It's a mirror for now.

Latest! November 2024 United Front: Welcome Back is a 1-page solo journaling TTRPG available pay-as-you-will on itch. It's based on Decording and Emotional Fragment Recovery New. Learn about these self-help tools by playing a character struggling with loss & attachment issues.

New Summer 2024 United Front: Ship's Logs, undated planners New planners ready for order/download. The Ship's Log Planner as an Undated Planner (v3) New

Plurality Resource with Online courses by-plurals, for-plurals. Includes a free System Safety Plan course, and about a dozen free or sliding-scale self-help & related courses. Also, feel free to create your own courses there, by plurals, for plurals!

You have NOT missed the Plural Positivity World Conference! See the Plural Events website for all past sessions. Also see the pluralevents YouTube channel.

Got specific questions?

…about Dissociative Identity (disorder?), multiple personalities, and other ways of being plural…

Check out Multiplicity: The Missing Manual — a manual for plural people and those who love them.

For singular folks who have seen too many movies…

Are you new to the whole idea of DID or plurality? Not sure what to believe? Listen to Beyond the Movies: Debunking myths about DID & plural systems New.

Prefer listening? Problems between headmates?

Try the Many Minds on the Issue podcast. New! Full list of podcast transcripts New.

Of special interest — check out our 6-episode mini-series on System Trust Issues New.

Latest Episodes:

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  • {=$Titlespaced} - March 27, 2025

…More podcast episodes…

Intermediate & Advanced Stuff

Plural Activism

If you're interested in plural rights and accommodations for group entities who are living plural lives, check out the new section on The Plural Movement New — and please feel free to contribute content!!

Get on the map: The Multiple Mapping Project New

Mini Multiple Manifesto!

Let's bypass making the situation worse before it gets better, skip twiddling our thumbs for years based on therapies that are inhumane and when you think about it make absolutely no sense. We can leave our past in the past, cut years off our recovery, live our collective life, trust in ourselves, love ourselves, and make the absolute best of our situation. We must refuse to hold out on having sanity until the “good doctor” can see us again!

Come get a taste of the Manifesto!

Most Recent 50 Updated Pages

If a page was updated more than once in the time shown, only the latest modification is listed.

Page Group: Page title - the date/time it was last updated A summary of the last modifications, if available
Below it is the page description in italics, if it has one.

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  • {=$Group}: {=$Titlespaced} - {=$LastModified} {=$LastModifiedSummary}

…straight list of last 500 pages updated, no duplicates… New