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United Front Boot Camp

Description: If you want to improve internal relationships, build internal community, work on improving coconsciousness, or want a lightweight method of meeting and greeting new system members, this is a popular self-led 30+ article self-help bootcamp by the Crisses for new plural or DID (dissociative identity disorder) systems or systems looking to start over from scratch.
If people don't understand our behavior -- so what? Their request that we must only do what they understand is an attempt to dictate to us. If this is being "asocial" or "irrational" in their eyes, so be it. Mostly they resent our freedom and our courage to be ourselves. We owe nobody an explanation or an accounting, as long as our acts do not hurt or infringe on them. -- Erich Fromm, The Art of Being

**NEW!** United Front Boot Camp in Dutch New (in progress)

Also check out the Many Minds on the Issue podcast episode on this topic: Introduction to United Front (episode 005)

Welcome to United Front Boot Camp: Positive, proactive and collaborative self-help for multiples.

Note: the original intent of this self-help series is for traumagenic plurals or DID-diagnosed (or self-diagnosed) multiples. Any plurals might find it helpful, but keep in mind it was started in 2011 with multiples in mind.

Skip to the Steps for individual posts

Imagine if you could:

  • shave years off of your recovery process
  • do it with or without a therapist on your professional team
  • get more buy-in from your headmates
  • move away from techniques that make you relive your most painful experiences
  • develop confidence, trust, even love for one another
  • And best of all, actively decide where you want to go from there

Imagine a world where it didn’t really matter that you’re plural or multiple. You have people in your head, and they all get along. In spite of your diverse ideas, skills and interests, you share a common goal and vision about your collective life. You each go about pursuing the dream in your own style, with your own unique perspective and gifts, but you’re all steering your life in the same direction.

That’s where we are. We are The Crisses, and it took almost 20 years (as of June 2011) of our shared life to get to that point. We don’t want it to take that long for you and your system, so we want to share our experience and self-help techniques with you. We want healthy multiplicity to be within reach, and unification to be a true choice — rather than a necessity by default because the alternatives seem out of reach.

You can achieve a sense of inner community and cherishing, collaboration, love — and for the tough guys a warm acceptance even if they keep insisting that their a cool cat or an untouchable.

This program is for you if you:

  • are doing OK on most days, but you know you need to do better
  • have at least one system member convinced that change is needed
  • want to get along better and collaborate in a positive way on shared goals
  • look forward to sharing the rest of your life together
  • are motivated to do the work and expand your willpower to get things done even on days when you don’t feel like it
  • you are unable to see a therapist for any reason but you still want some help or guidance
  • you had to give up therapy because it was too expensive or you didn’t feel like you were getting anywhere
  • have a therapist who doesn’t specialize in MPD/DID (it works as a complementary program to therapy)
  • are a therapist looking for alternatives and information that is really specialized, upbeat, positive and proactive in working with a multiple system

We have ideas — but you are going to be the one doing this work. We teach you the tools, and you need to be committed to following the process.*

Sometimes it's hard to know where to start, so check out the bootcamp steps, and feel free to comment or email us with questions.

Start Free Boot Camp! (first post: Can't We All Just Get Along)
(If you want to help support expansion of the Boot Camp & other writings, and get some special previews and bonuses, please see our Patreon campagin)

(List of Boot Camp Steps with descriptions)

Not interested? Want something else? Not sure why you're here? Why don't you read the Manifesto?

Are you in the field of psychology in any way, shape or form? Please see A special note for therapists.

Coaching Note: If you want to be held accountable in this process, work with others on it, or don't have an accountability partner or therapist, you might opt for group coaching or life coaching with The Crisses (Criss Ittermann) (link is to our coaching website) using United Front as the core curriculum. We have periodic low or no cost group sessions, and offer a 30-minute sample session with no sales pitch or obligation to continue.

Historical Note: The majority of this blog was originally created in June 2011 as a 30-day blogging challenge (NaBloPoMo) to help kick off the United Front self-help book, with a few additions and adjustments over time. United Front is now a 3-book bundle you can find here and buy while the books are in-progress.

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