Kinhost dot Org

Contact Us/How to Contribute

If you have any comments, fanmail & encouragement, would like to contribute content**, or need to request that information be changed, you may reach Crisses below.

Note: absolutely no solicitations for one-way link-exchanges from "resource" websites, marketing company, web development company or employment applications will be accepted. If you and your website truly deals with plurals, or you wish to suggest a national or international emergency hotline to be added to our resource list, that's ok. We are only getting boilerplate spam & solicitations through the form, please send us some real contact.

Accessibility issues: This form uses a captcha that is not accessible for screen readers. Please DM the wiki admins on twitter at @TheCrisses, message us on Facebook as Criss Ittermann, call or text +1-845-820-0262, or email us at TheCrisses on the gmail email service. We apologize for the inconvenience, this prevents a great deal of harassment through the web forms.



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  • Since there have been more content hacks than legit contributions, we invariably have to lock down who can post from time-to-time to avoid abuse of the wiki system. We can issue a password to your own section of the website, the main manual, or accept direct contributions through he form above. Registration is accepted on a person-by-person basis.