Kinhost dot Org

Resources for Multiples/Plurals

This area is to share resources and suggestions for resources with other Hosts & Multiples. Feel free to add additional categories and resource types, but please try to find a category or make a category and add them on a subpage. Thanks :)

Free & Crisis Help
Resources | Inpatient And Partial Inpatient Trauma Programs New
Finding Professionals
Find a Therapist on Psychology Today's site | ISST-D's Find a Therapist | Help Desk at for therapist help | Life Coaching with The Crisses (peer mental health coaching for internal community)
Web Sites New | Mailing Lists | RSS Feeds | Podcasts | Support Groups New
Otherkin FAQ | Some Kin Lists | Announcement Board | Femmekin: All-feminine Otherkin Races
Public Neurodiversity Support Center
Books | Movies | Websites | Personal Websites | Publications | Articles
Employment Issues
Job Accommodation Network (jump to PTSD accommodations & PDF download or printable with accommodations info for PTSD)
Resources-by-area | Fostering Community
Live-On-Line meetings
The Multiple Mapping Project New — pushpin map showing physical locations of online multiples & multiple resources
Social Media
Multiplicity on Google+ (Public group) | group on MeWe | Twitter And Hashtags New

See Also