Kinhost dot Org


Years ago I was really working on writing a story where the main character had DID. I wanted to write a novel that helps the reader understand the internal experience of many people living inside my body. I also didn’t want this disorder and being multiple to be the main plot point. This article Is helpful and I hope other people can write and develop media that is true and caring to multiples. I mean there are so many amazingly interesting shows about people who are multiple but they have to make them all killers. I mean just once can there be a movie or show where an insider isnt a villain and pulling a trigger on a gun that doesn’t go off does not count as not killing . Also the “my alter did it” Cop out is as bad as having a character wake up and everything was just a dream. It’s super easy to do and a simple way to trick the audience and have a really intriguing plot twist. Unfortunately this is so alluring and can sneak into the plot and create motivation to write a violent person into the system that even I trying not to do that as a goal in writing found myself being drawn to it.also 4% Of people like mental health issues are violent but in the media 70% are.

Comment by on February 10, 2020, at 10:07 AM