Kinhost dot Org


We view our introjects from a spiritual perspective- we consider them akin to soulbonds or walk-in souls. We understand that not every system finds this to be their experience but I am wondering if it is worth representing the spiritual perspective as an alternative perhaps? Additionally, we have a great deal of fictives/soulbonds and there are concerns they face specific to their general life circumstances. We are currently in the process of authoring a series of articles discussing the general situation surrounding fictivity, the constraints fictives face, and perhaps steps that might be more healthy going forward. The only one we have currently finished is a personal account, and I am not sure there is a place for that kind of content in this sort of space, but I will link to it regardless: (for context, I spoke to one (or more) of you& on twitter and was told it was alright to send links in comments)

Comment by Nami of Sharetheworld on February 18, 2021