Kinhost dot Org


That they called us Jekyl and Hyde from very young, and sang the nursery rhyme “there was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead, and when she was good she was very very good, and when she was bad she was horrid.” In other words, beyond tantrums. “You were the nicest kid then switch for no reason into a nasty bully/ terrified sook/ angry. Then butter-wouldn’t melt in yr mouth.”

At family gatherings they sat and laughed about us changing completely as though we chose it & told lies to cover us. Father would sigh and say “Just like her aunt who couldn’t tell truth from fantasy” as tho it’s genetic (yeah we shared the same brother/father) What’s more they actually talked about abuse stories thru family generations as tho normal. (Nana told me decades later she thought I’s being abused by dad at 7 or 8 but it was my fault cos I’s hypersexual.)

The family moved heaps. Apparently i/we would talk as though we carried on living in every single place, all at the same time.

They’d joke so often “tells stories and lies about it, forgets, day dreamer (was tested for hearing loss cos wouldn’t respond) or would say “I can’t hear you, everyone is shouting”. I honestly had no idea for five decades that not everyone has a family shouting and arguing in their head!

Comment by on January 01, 2020, at 02:40 PM