Kinhost dot Org


That's a great question. Like much of system stuff, each system is different and these terms are more like pushpins or flags in a great big map of plural experience — much more than they are cubbies that would define specific discrete required checklists or qualities of existence.

So consider this as "This is one of many possibilities" and use the language/label if it's helpful for you, rather than trying to figure out if you fit in a cubby, figure out whether the label is something you might wear like a conference badge for a while if it helps you find your way in life, and if it no longer seems to fit -- toss it in the bin.

People find terms can help shortcut communication or help them feel like someone else may have had a similar experience -- then it's a positive thing. But when we try to cram ourselves into a label like it's a box we end up like a really large cat trying to fit into a tiny carton and either the carton breaks or the cat has limbs and stuff poking out and is very uncomfortable. So -- wear labels while they're useful and probably don't try to limit yourself to fit in them. *shrugs*

Comment by Crisses on April 15, 2024