Kinhost dot Org


Regarding the distinct feeling between "being born to the body" and "being a walk-in": we like to describe this as a large dirtspace family. When you have a whole bunch of people that are genetically related and raised together, while they are all different and unique individuals, they all have a similar set of appearances and mannerisms, and it would be easy to look at this family and go "something about you all seems kinda samesy"

That's what our inborns are like; but the similarity is less "appearance and mannerisms" and more "vibes" or "feel"

And if you had some stranger show up at the door of this family and the family are like "you live here now, we're adopting you", this person would really stand out from the rest because they don't have the same features and mannerisms as the rest of their family, 'cause they are not genetically related and didn't grow up picking up their mannerisms.

And that's how a walk-in kinda 'feels' different to the others to us.

Comment by on October 24, 2021