- One should try to understand the other parts of the "Us" factor.
- You are not as a singleton, and many may not come to understand the "You" as you want them to know you.
A certain amount of people not understanding is due to the media and I feel that it should be possible to educate people out of their assumptions that all multiples are sick psychos just waiting to duplicate pain and suffering in other people. We're just people...and sometimes just like an external family, the internal family is dysfunctional and needs help. And just like other external families, sometimes there are internal families that work well together and are synergistic, and that can make the system better than the sum of it's parts. - XES
- Each part of your internal family has their own views and ideas and you [meaning the current resident that has control] should have them take the "Pilot seat" for a time, as long as it is a resident that you have come to know well, and they understand that you want to have some level of consciousness while they are out.
- On that note, you should make yourself available to acquaint with the others in your head, befriend them or allow them to befriend you, or to at least come to agreements and understandings about what is and is not acceptable external (or internal) behavior.
- Converse with other residents often, ask them how their day is going currently and if need be...give them a break; they don't like to be overwhelmed.
- Let your residents express their creativity in numerous ways[ as long as they are safe].
- Show your residents that you are willing to adapt to some degree to make them comfortable.
- Give them their own space to decorate as they please within your mind.
I have recently come to understand the reality of being Multiple, as far as I understand it; there are many different views of how to handle things. For example a male personality that I have dubbed Michael in honor of a friend and fellow Otherkin, is very deep into the workings of the human mind and his space is that of a study with a fire place and numerous books on psychology. (In fact he is currently helping me to write this article.)
- Just remember to let them be themselves.