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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

(Note, most product links here are Amazon affiliate links, it doesn't change your costs, and we're recommending products we've actually used. Royalties go a tiny way towards helping us pay for web hosting & domain registration.)


Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue in the body, leading to a variety of symptoms such as joint hypermobility, skin elasticity, and tissue fragility. EDS is known to be associated with a range of comorbid conditions, including autonomic dysfunction, chronic pain, and gastrointestinal issues. In recent years, there has been growing awareness of the high prevalence of EDS among individuals with dissociative identity disorder (DID) or who identify as plural, and the impact that this comorbidity can have on their daily lives.

Managing EDS symptoms can be challenging for anyone, but it can be particularly difficult for plurals, so we'll explore the comorbidity of EDS and plurality, and folks can put personal experiences & what works for them as far as ergonomic solutions, accommodations, and assistive technology that can help alleviate the impact of EDS symptoms on daily life. By providing practical solutions, we hope to improve the quality of life for those who are living with these conditions.

(ChatGPT assist for article intro)

Personal Experiences, Modifications & Adaptive Tech - Crisses

Note some of our choices are influenced by other physical issues, and how our hEDS manifests. We also have CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy), and cannot tell where one thing ends and the other begins. Our CIDP affects our reflexes, and if it goes into chronic flareups can cause numbness, neurological pain, weakness, loss of balance, loss of ability to stand/walk, and potentially if left untreated may even affect the breathing reflex. We are in remission and have a lot of personal practices around stress and triggers to keep it that way.

Chronic "Growing" Pains

We had bursitis in our knees & hips, was dealing with doctors to check for Marfan's syndrome, and got a diagnosis for a hiatal hernia in 1986. Because of the hernia, they said no more caffeine, and when we stopped the caffeine our pain went from 6-7 down to a very manageable 2-3 most days. We were addicted at the time, and would make mistakes not being sure about what had caffeine, and the pain would tell us.

Can't say whether that was MCAS random sensitivity or if it had any other reason to be associated with joint issues. I'd say investigating what might be causing reactions and trying an elimination diet might be good (doubly so with Crohns).

The other "amazing" thing that helped us with wrist & hand tendonitis issues was B vitamins. We thought it was carpal tunnel, and it was recommended to do 100-600mg B6 a day, and we added a B complex to that whenever we took B6. We started with 100MG and within 2-3 days our wrist & hand pain subsides. Any time we'd get a flare, we managed it ourselves. Our doctors recently poo-pood it (after we were doing this dance for about 25 years) saying "oh, B vitamins reduce inflammation." 👀

So wait — I can choose between other meds & treatments to medicate the issue or reduce inflammation — or just take B vitamins and it goes into (complete!) remission in a couple days, but that is something to ignore and shove aside?

Anyway, no guarantees this would help anyone else. but it makes a HUGE difference for us. We stay off caffeine & take extra B-vits as needed and reduce our symptoms. YMMV.

Sleep Hygiene/Ergonomics

Sleep is a significant “immobile” period of the day, and it may be helpful to take care of ergonomics while asleep. When we had a particularly bad flare in 2021 we improved ergonomics across our whole life.

For sleep we have sleep wrist braces in case we need them. We sleep with our wrists straight since 1994…makes a huge difference for us. The wrist braces for sleep were needed in our 2021 flare where we got particularly bad arthritic pains too.

We got a u-shaped body pillow (August 2024 we just got this new one, the one we had is no longer available) and now sleep in something of a nest at night. We have found a position that supports our back and pelvis that takes pressure off our shoulder (long time side sleeper, we also ended up with frozen shoulder because our shoulder was dislocating while we were asleep) and off our pelvic joints (SI pains) so we start the day in less pain. See video note in sidebar.

The main point is to keep joints from hyperextending and preventing subluxations/dislocating at night when muscles are more lax.

Low-Impact Core-Building or Full-Body Exercise (gently, when/where possible)

Add to that the benefits of full body gentle low impact exercise. Anything core-building, that doesn't stress joints. Balance board, swimming, flow rope,rowing, etc. We learned the hard way to avoid martial arts that focus on manipulating joints (we took Aikido. Oops! Wrong martial art. We also couldn’t do jumping jacks…and ended up needing surgery due to prolapsed organs. We weren’t diagnosed yet.).

We've also found some things to try that are fun like this boxing game, we just have to be careful that our shoulders are toned enough that the sudden movements won't injure us.

Other low impact stuff is ok too, although be careful about falls (wound healing can be wonky, and who wants to fall anyway?). We like biking, walks, hiking. We can't do jogging or running for much the same reason we can't do jumping jacks. Everyone's body is different, though these issues are known for zebras).

Daily Ergonomic Issues

Our sitting ergonomics are important because we work at a computer much of the day.

  • We use a ball chair the most. That's core-building & posture balance intense choice. Switching from lax posture to active posture is challenging, so we generally sit with an active posture almost all the time now. We have a very large ball so our desktop is at thigh height.
  • We have a foot riser under our desk now (home built).
  • We have a wrist rest, but don't use it now that we use a new expensive ergonomic mouse (the ContourDesign RollerMouse Pro…very pricy).
  • Monitor height & keyboard height are important. We now have monitor arms so we can reposition our 2 monitors.
  • We switched our keyboard layout from querty to Dvorak layout in 2005. No regrets. You can do this for free, but if you already touch-type it requires retraining for a different layout, and if you hunt-n-peck you may need to rearrange the keycaps on your keyboard. Otherwise we would recommend checking out CharaChord if there's a budget for pricy ergonomic keyboards. We have our eyes on them.
  • We use dictation when possible or needed…we have an account (that's a referral code, I don't think we get anything for it but you get 1 month of Pro Lite with a 300 minute limit) and we use it when we can to take dictation for us.

Oh, more ergonomics…we use anti-fatigue puzzle mats (like these -- not an affiliate link -- purchased from Harbor Freight many years ago) in our kitchen. Now we keep them 3 layers deep by the sink and our preferred food prep areas/stove burner…because we are short (5'4) these both help with foot/leg fatigue and give us a little height so there's less arm/shoulder/wrist/hand strain for food prep, washing dishes and cooking.

We also always need to wear shoes due to foot joint pain.…we got cork soled sandals for indoors “slippers” (that adds some height too) (we have these and these right now). Makes a big difference especially since we love cooking and it requires standing for quite a time. We also sometimes sit to do prep, or use devices like we have this safety mandoline to speed up veggie prep.

Some of our worst pain is when our SI joint (Sacroiliac joint) goes wonky and it's hard to sit, stand or lay down without pain. Sleep, toning exercises, core exercises and sitting ergonomics help the most over time, but in case we really need it we have a hip brace or belt that helps relieve loose SI joint pains temporarily.


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See Also


There is also the Muldowney Protocol for people who can read a physical therapy manual or have a willing PT to work with.

Comment by a on July 14, 2024

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