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What is Panic?

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The Crisses talk about panic cycles & what it does in your body & how to work on it in our presentation Better Spoons. Panic leads to all kinds of physical & mental problems in addition to exacerbating PTSD symptoms. — there's also a sliding-scale, stand-alone, self-paced course on working through the skills and issues presented in the presentation at

Once you learn about the bigger picture of spoon management, check out The Garden System's Emotional Regulation video; it will take on new meaning now that you understand Panic & Presence better.

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Some systems like us cannot watch YouTube videos. Can you extract the script?

Comment by Void on September 18, 2021

Sorry, there's no script. We did correct the captions for the video, and audio-describe the graphics in the better spoons presentation. Pause the video, go to the three-dot menu (ellipsis) under the video on Select "Open Transcript". It opens up on the side of the video and you don't have to watch the video; they give the option to toggle off the time-stamps.

The Garden System's video is not audio-described. They do have some visual aids in their video. I believe their presentation has corrected captions, however.

I also have made the Developing Better Spoons coaching group materials into a stand-alone course which is mostly text-and-image (and images should have alt descriptions or be described in the text of the course materials), though it does point to the same presentation by way of introductory materials. That is here: -- it is a sliding scale. To register for other than $10 please use the offline pay feature, it says as much in the course overview as well, we just don't want the sliding scale fee to appear to be a barrier. We will have to approve you manually into the course; the software package payment system does not allow sliding scale fees, this is our work-around.

We have no plans to format the transcript for print or web right now since the transcript available from the captions, and corrected and available already. If there's a technical reason you cannot access the transcript, please let us know.

Comment by Xes on September 19, 2021

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