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Discovering Your& Internal Landscape

See also Internal Landscapes or Inner Worlds, InternalLandscapeFAQ New and Internal Landscaping.

How Can We Discover Our Internal Landscape?

Some plural & DID systems describe very elaborate visual inner worlds, draw or paint images from their inner worlds, and make it seem like if you can't see or feel it in as much detail as the external world then maybe it's not valid.

Elaborate inner worlds are as valid as voids or spaces lacking in visual detail. Bear with us here.

An inner world is where you interact with other internals. That's where it begins, and where it ends. No matter how elaborate, magical, beautiful, distracting, etc. it is, this is what it is when you strip the idea down to its most simple concept.

So start where you are, and recognize that your perception of your inner landscape is what it is now, and may or may not change in the future.

Some systems just have front and beyond that it's all walled off (fog, cloud, pea soup, etc.). High amnesia systems with no internal communication are likely not ready to get far in working on finding their inner world, but it's still good to have some of the information below so that when the time comes it may be more easily recognized for what it is. It still would probably be better to engage with communication techniques and self-maps before trying to work on any inner world issues.

Front: the first step to finding your internal landscape

It's usually best to start with "where is 'front'?" Front is "where" you are in your inner world when you are fronting. You may be so distracted by fronting that you are not focused on the inner world, and that's totally valid. (Also note, sometimes Front is a mobile interface rather than a fixed point in the inner world. So Front may be something one hands off to another headmate, rather than something one steps into. Many describe front as a doorway, portal, or other interface — but if it's a device y'all pass around you may need to modify some of the frameworks below.)

Front is liminal. Which is to say that front is what allows a headmate to operate in the space between the inner and outer world. If you are "fully front" then you are engaging through your body (which is the boundary between the inner & outer world) with the external world.

The things you do with your body are in the external world. The things you think are in the inner world. Thus when someone is fronting, wherever they are standing (sitting, existing) in the inner world can usually be marked as "Front" — the internal portion or perception of the interface that inner folk use to interact with the external world.

If you can interact with other internals (in other words if you have anyone you know and can speak with internally for any definition of "speak"), then you have interacted in the internal world. Bear with us here, because like we said it's not always a visual landscape, and we're getting there.

When you front and speak with someone else in your inner world, how do you sense it? Are they louder and hence they're closer (audio)? Do you feel their presence behind you (kinesthetic or spacial)? Perhaps you can smell them, or feel the warmth of their body, or the tickle of air when they speak in your ear, or when you need comfort they hold your hand, or they may even appear in front of you, visually or in any other sensory way.

In all of these ways and more, you have a sense of placement. They're behind you and to the left, or right, or directly behind you. Above you, below you. Outside of you, inside of you, beside you. These are all directional in some sense, implying that there's something 3-dimensional going on inside your head.

If you just get mindspeak for now, that's actually great. In terms of communication, if you get direct thoughts like telepathy, count your wins in internal communication and then come back to working on inner world stuff as well. Not everyone has what you have!

If you have no communication, no sense of co-presence or folk nearby when you're fronting, then it's much more difficult, and we would guess someone else told you people have been fronting and you don't have any knowledge of them directly. That's a very rough situation, and we would start with communication techniques (as mentioned above) before working on inner world issues. Once you have communication, it will be useful to figure out where folk are and hence working on how you can find & sense your& inner world.

However, not everyone without communication is missing an inner world. If you do have a sense of an inner world but not other people/beings within it, and you can't hear communications, etc. then perhaps "look" (in whatever sensory way you use) around for why communication is blocked and whether it can be adjusted or fixed. That gets into internal landscaping. Even adding a whiteboard in your inner world can help facilitate communication.

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