Kinhost dot Org


The term "resident" can be used to describe everyone inside of the system, even if it's temporary, and regardless of where they came from. This catchall term may be used to avoid terminology that comes from the psychiatric community, so that multiples who have unpleasant experiences in treatment can feel more comfortable, and because the term "resident" helps externally sourced persons in the system (e.g. Walk-Ins) feel included, the term contains no insult of believing the people are less real or respectible than people who have one-body-per-person (cf. "singletons").

This term borrows from the possibility or metaphor of the internal landscape being some type of domicile or physical area, such as a house, hotel, world, or country, which is exceptionally common amongst multiples. The persons living in a house, hotel, world or country at any given time are it's residents.

See also Temporary Resident, Permanent Resident, Internal Source New and External Source New.

We use "resident" versus "guest" to denote those who have agreed to be coconscious and abide by our rules versus those who are not able or willing to be bound by our system agreements. Similar to a visitor from another country not being a full citizen. They're no less people, and deserve respect and politeness, but there are privileges we give to residents in good standing (who abide the rules they agreed to) versus those who have not yet agreed to follow the rules. Another term we do use is "people" versus "fragments" with the understanding that those who are "fragments" are unable to agree to rules due to a lack of cognitive organization that would enable them to do so. They're no less deserving of respect — and we never know whether fragments will combine to form people, so we are not trying to disparage them with a label. We're just recognizing that they're not there yet at this time and unable to participate and vote, but they do get counted when doing a census. XES May 31, 2017, at 10:03 AM

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