Crisses Project Updates & To-Do List:
Kinhost Wiki
The site is going under a bunch of actual redesign and technology enhancements. See the UpdateLog page for more info as it becomes available.
- Add a "breadcrumb" trail to the top of each page under the main navigation bar? This would be a session-id related array that contains the last 5-10 pages that the person visited. Would need php coding to test page calls for being within certain sections of the wiki, and would need to exclude form entry pages (such as the edit pages, password change pages, etc.).
splash page
- rotate the quote on the front page on either a by-load or a daily basis? -- This feature was once enabled on a page, which I couldn't seem to get to be the front page for the site(?!) via 'redirect' in the .htaccess file. -- so I never switched the front page of the site to the page with the rotating quotes. It used a MySQL database and a bunch of my random sig files. I may reinstitute this on the current index.php (linked above) once everything is working on the site and my MySQL database is back online. This random quote thing might be used on the Wiki Autobiography (see below) instead -- it's more appropriate to me (Crisses) than to everyone...though I might take appropriate kin quotes and use them on this site.
Otherkin Resources ("Resources" group)
This section has seen a little improvement and desirable diversification since moving to the wiki, but still needs a lot of work. Now there are sections for books, movies, websites, etc.
- make list of other recommended things, not only books. Recommend movies and tarot decks and stuff. Update all links to reflect page name change.
- page with links to my favorite movies, etc. along with reviews and a method to my madness {will probably go onto the site}?
- move cool.htm to this section -- check links, update with new links, fix the title heirarchy ...
Otherkin Resources (Otherres.htm):
- integrate into the wiki, into the Resources section
- link in the info.
- All my links should be checked for permission to list, as well as asking for permission to be listed in the documents, OR I should just limit many resources....and just point to
- Need to put my mailing list links here.
Crisses stuff
- whos who & individual pages need extensive updating. Need a new headmap. Etc.
- I want to acquire more pictures of individual "selves" to add to pages...
- At some point I'm going to attempt to database my poems, and reflect anchors to each of an author's poems. (see also poetry section changes -- may use a database to generate poems by each author on the author's homepage)
- what should I do with concern.htm?
- I'm not bitching enough, you're not linking enough...needs serious updating (or elimination).
- need to link in my own articles that are on other websites...where do I put this?
tocpoems.htm & poetry "annex"
- create a poetry database, and have lists and anchors generated by scripts...make it searchable, etc.
- proper heirarchy structure
- add more poems (of course!) my poetry dates back to 1981 or 1982, and by no means is everything on the site
Open Source Reiki Project:
- The Reiki Annex has been wiki'ed and moved to its own site! It's now the "Open Source Reiki Project" -- Please contribute!It's now the same type of wiki as this one, even.
- Move the old reiki site to the new wiki, this way we can eliminate the old site and just let the OSRP go public! Again, help would be appreciated.
- create a reiki list webpage on site? There is a reiki list at yahoogroups (
- More reiki (& other) symbols need to be added - for instance I have a bunch of Railenne's symbols that I need to digitize and add to the site
- take out my full name from the site? Anyone have any comments on me doing that? I'm not ashamed to be working on stuff, but I'm a mother, I have kids, I'm a woman...etc. :P
Criss's WikiBiography Project - defunct for the moment -- to be moved
- Bet you didn't know I had one :) heh....well, since it's a wiki, and at the same place as the kinhost wiki, it's broken for now. Hopefully I'll get it up & running soon.
Mirror-Storm web annex or it's own website annex
Note: This project is now a problem, essentially baggage, and will probably be moved to it's own loving possibilities website or annex.
- transcripts, observations and notes from the Loving Possibilities: The Prologue (TM) workshop/s should be added
- interactive web teaching of Loving Possibilities(TM) ?