You Don't Write Me Email
by Crisses, apologies to Barbara Streisand & Neil Diamond
"You dont send me email. You don't even text me..."
"You don't read my blog anymore when you come through the door at the end of the day."
"I remember when --you couldn't wait to see my webcam, you used to hate to leave the keyboard...Now after shutting down late at night --"
"Well, it's good for you, babe, your dial-up is all right..."
"Well, you just turn off the cell phone, then turn out the light. And you don't send me email anymore."
"It used to be so natural, talk about computers...but used to bes don't count anymore, they just end up in the trash bin which we empty each day..."
"Baby I remember all the things you taught me..."
"I learned how to graph, and I learned how to AIM..."
"Well I learned how to script and I learned how to game..."
"So you think I could learn how to delete your login name..."
"You don't write me email anymore."
"Well you think I could learn how to delete your login name!"
"You don't read my live journal..."
"You don't contribute to my wiki..."
"You don't write me email any ----