These are our Headmaps. Some of these are older/outdated. But nearly every headmap is outdated as soon as you think it's done. The latest listing is at Who's Who of The Crisses.
Modern Maps
This is the map for our change from an apartment/house to a spaceship that we started in 2018-2019. Subsystems have their own specific quarters, which are often entrances to separate pocket-dimensions or at least are climate-controlled crafted environments from their own memories or pasts, except the area called the Creche New which is all new buildings: the house New, the nursery New & the recreation center New (in progress as of August 2020). Another area added recently is called "The Engagement New" which is an elder circle of sorts in our head. Maybe more about that eventually — but essentially a skilled group who is making most of these changes with system-wide consent (such as creating the teen recreation center New).
The image you see without clicking is our summer 2017 headmap. Yes, it's already outdated.
Head as a House/Apartment - 2004
April 17, 2004 - We have 3d internal landscape pictures now:
- up close of The Bench, Pandora's Box, The Golden Cauldron
- up close of Control, the Logbook, Front and the Front Window
- up close of Shane's Box, Almerissa's Desk and The Door to the Back Room
- outside up close view of Front, Crissmask and the Front Window
- overview of the Front Room featuring the Pillows and Control
- overview of the Front Room featuring the Bench and Pandoras Box
- full frontal view of internal landscape with reasonable shot of the Tree
- interfaces with external or pocket places places on the Round Table side
- interfaces with external or pocket places on the hallway side
- A close up view of the Meeting Room with the Round Table
- A close up view of the File Cabinet and the Memory Chamber
- a view of the side hallway with Criss Room and Almerissas Room
Landscape-based maps
April 9, 2004 - preliminary 3d internal landscape (view of front room which has gotten much more complicated as people remind us of items and furnishings in it! For example, things from Frank's Comix are incorporated, as are things from a map we drew in 1986 when we first figured out we were multiple, stuff from shamanic initiations that now have residence in our system, etc.)
April 2, 2004 - Gatekeepers & Conduits. Same day, different map.

April 1, 2004 - "Full" people map. Already obsoleted. Dammit.

April 1, 2004 - Failed/stalled attempt to put Pandora "on the map" in a hub-spoke fashion — apparently our next attempt (above) was more successful.

Bubble/heat map
March 23, 2004 - our "bubblemap" — we really liked this one.

September 19, 2003 - Hart's knowledge of our Derivations

September 9, 2003 - Splits, analogs, reincarnation, oh my!

Brief Map
This next one seems to be dated for September 2002…looks like a condensed version with just "active players" and eliminating a lot of subsystems and echoes from the February 2002 version.

February 2002

And May 2001?

September 2000

September 2000 - condensed version

April 2000 Map

February 1999 - now for something somewhat different…

November? 1997 - Embroidering a headmap with silk, probably November 1997 (while pregnant) — the stankface is because most Crisses have a camera trigger. Automatically raises our defenses.

Will have to find the embroidered map (which was never finished) but I think this is what we were trying to embroider (caution: may be triggering with mystical symbolism) — though that may be our painted design? Attach:mystical_map.jpg
In the realm of amazing we could open the files… October 1996 — click to enlarge.
We messed up the dates on some of our files so they all say they're 2006. This is not 2006.... but couldn't tell you when (would have to figure it out) — some have people that have accidentally been dropped out of maps and need to be added back! They're still there. Shoot :)