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Welcome to DID: We Are Not Your Enemy (009)

Hiring Health Consultants: Hiring, Firing & Self-Advocacy (008) New < Many Minds on the Issue - podcast > As Inside, So Outside (and vice versa) (010) New

First episode in our System Trust Issues series. In denial? Got chaos? Got malcontents? Persecutors? Rebels? Here's a change in perspective and attitude to help you wake up to your new reality.

Published July 03, 2017

This is an internal persecutor's mini manifesto on behalf of all your headmates, especially those you haven't met, and your potentially intimidating internal prosecutors. Buck of Crisses gives a prosecutor's perspective on internal politics, self-discovery, and a way to help you adjust to your new reality in dealing with DID and when you are experiencing excessive internal chaos. Your headmates are your potential allies, but pushing them away can create more problems for you and your system than you think.

A message for your system rebels: this is our smack upside the head for the main front(s) of your system. We're trying to change the paradigm in regard to dealing with the unknown or feared portions of your system so that you don't have to focus your energy inwards towards getting room to breathe from your headmates, and you can spend more time protecting the system from things outside your body.

This is part of a series of podcasts leading up to a capstone on System Trust Issues New.

Trigger warning: This is an episode specifically advocating on behalf of internal unknowns and non-co-conscious people, etc. As such it may cause them to have opinions about it. This episode may be very triggering. You may want to find someone safe to listen to it with, or find a way to stay grounded during this episode. See the message for your inner buddies above, too. Tip: Listen with the intent for everyone in your system to be able to hear it too: put it on an internal loudspeaker, so that they don't need to front to hear.


The contents of this podcast are meant for informational purposes only. This podcast is meant only for adults, and listener discretion is strongly advised. By no means are the contents of this podcast series intended to diagnose any illness or replace the treatment or therapy of persons in need. Please seek professional assistance if you are in distress in any way.

Music and intro vocals by The Crisses, created in Garageband. All contents © Criss Ittermann. Permission to share. And share again.

The production of this podcast is community supported. Please help contribute, and learn more about what we have to offer at

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Hiring Health Consultants: Hiring, Firing & Self-Advocacy (008) New < Many Minds on the Issue - podcast > As Inside, So Outside (and vice versa) (010) New

See Also


Hello, My name is Cindy. I live with a big system and we are still learning how to live together. It’s hard, like you said, when a lot of people are hurting. I enjoyed listening to this and found it helpful. Maybe others of us can listen to it too. Thank you. Sincerely, Cindy

Comment by Cindy on August 30, 2018, at 05:15 PM

Hi, Cindy&,

Thank you so much for your comment. Yeah — if everyone's leaking icky feelings into the system it can be disconcerting and cause "cascades" of inner folk triggering each other :( No fun.

Keep on listening — because once you get to the episodes on boundaries and building system trust you'll hopefully be able to filter some of that better, and turn it around so there's more positive feelings to help with the negativity and panic.

Comment by Crisses on September 18, 2018, at 09:09 PM

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