System Trust Issues
Description: Many systems have fumbled without direction and stepped on their internal's toes. Sometimes we aren't sure how to handle situations and do the best we can, fumbling in the dark — but also we can get lousy advice and hurt our internal relationships. It may seem like there's nothing we can do to help heal these mistakes, miscommunications occur frequently, or we have eroded trust to the point that there are outright wars in our system. When you have run out of ideas for how to repair internal relationships so you can work on healing other issues and problems, this self-help series is for you. This podcast series (transcripts available) by the Crisses helps systems with continual internal disagreements, factioning, wars, or when you think that you have no good options left to work together with other system members.
It's difficult living with a bunch of people who have PTSD. Here's our podcast series (transcripts available) on how to work on system trust issues, when people aren't getting along in your plural/multiple system:
- Welcome to DID: We Are Not Your Enemy (009) New (transcript New) - In denial? Got chaos? Got malcontents? Persecutors? Rebels? Here's a change in perspective and attitude to help you wake up to your new reality
- As Inside, So Outside (and vice versa) (010) New (transcript New) - Foundational concept for our System Trust Issues series (and a great deal of headwork done by plurals & multiples). The permeable membrane, internal organization, integrity, the cause & effect of being a team player, externalization, acting out, echoes and co-owning your shared life.
- Boundaries and Empathy (011) New (transcript New) - Important concepts for any selves-help work & for our System Trust Issues series. Do other people's emotions overshadow your own? Do you have a hard time protecting yourself from emotional outbursts? Do you know where you end and other people begin? More on what is separate, and what ought to be.
- Panic Reactions: 8 Important F-Words (012) New (transcript New) - Foundational concept for our System Trust Issues series. We've all heard of "fight or flight" reactions. In this episode we outline 8 different panic reactions and how they play out in multiplicity.
- System Trust Issues: Compromising Trust (013) New (transcript New) - System Trust Capstone, Part 1: What is happening in your system that erodes trust and makes it so that it's impossible to even tread water?
- System Trust Issues: Building Trust (014) New (transcript New) - System Trust Capstone, Part 2: Now that you've stopped the constant eroding your system trust, what can you do to proactively build it up?
Also, note that now The Crisses has incorporated these episodes into a sliding-scale self-led coaching course with additional content, exercises, etc. called United Front: Building Trust course.
A I S O A V V | Anxiety | Bias | Boundaries | Citizenship | Co - Consciousness | Coping With D I D | Denial | Disagreements | Dysfunction | Emotional Regulation | Empathy | Empowerment | Headwork | Indexes | Internal Family | Protectors | Rebels | Relationships | Residents | Roles | Safety | Self - Help | Tools | Trust | United Front | Self - Help | Trust
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See Also
- Allowing (as opposed to Trying) New
- Blog-Exercise Starting Over-20211130 T 081129 New
- Building Co-consciousness New
- Communication Techniques
- Don't shove me around!
- Emotional Regulation New
- Exercise: Starting Over
- Full Merging, Unification, Alter Integration — Terminology, Controversy, & Issues
- Functional or Healthy Multiplicity New
- Help! We're new to our DID New
- Internal Relationships
- Internal Wars & Rebellions New
- Introduction for Singular Systems New
- Onboarding Residents (024) New
- Pride and Community vs. Shame and Stigma New
- Self-Help Indexes (in progress) New
- Shared Responsibility
- Stuck Residents aka stowaways, lost souls, non-coaware identities, emotional parts, etc. New
- System Rebels: internal prosecutors, persecutors, saboteurs, meddlers, miscreants, undesirable behavior, etc. New
- System Safety New
- System Trust Issues: Compromising Trust (013) New
- Unification aka Final Fusion (FF), Full Final Merging, Integration, Alter Integration - an overview of the ISST-D Guidelines for treatment of adults with DID with much notes and suggestions New
- Welcome to DID: We Are Not Your Enemy (009) New
- Working on Work-Life Skills: plurals on the job, on the go, getting things done, managing life New